HGSK: Raising Breast Cancer Awareness In Women And Health Care Providers
Posted By Haggerty, Goldberg, Schleifer & Kupersmith, P.C.
HGSK actively supported Breast Cancer Awareness throughout the month of October, 2014, and participated in the National campaign to raise awareness of the disease. A hallmark aspect of the Awareness Campaign has been and remains the ‘early detection’ of breast cancer. Given the nature of the disease, the Awareness Campaign correctly educates women that breast cancer treatment and survivability is dramatically improved when the disease is detected in its early stages. Self-examination and routine medical monitoring through gynecologic visits and mammogram studies are essential elements taught in the Awareness plan aimed toward early recognition. Women now diligently self-examine, religiously visit their gynecologists, and undergo annual mammogram studies.
However, in an unfortunate number of instances, gynecologists and radiologists commit medical errors/medical malpractice by failing to recognize detectable breast cancer. Breast lumps are commonly ignored or disregarded as benign findings or cysts during gynecologic breast examinations, and appreciable masses are misread by radiologists on mammogram reviews. In some instances, a gynecologist or radiologist may detect some form of pathology, but erroneously recommend the female patient return for follow up in one year rather than, for example, instructing a return visit in six weeks after the next menstrual cycle. In other cases, findings on mammogram which should have led the physicians to order additional testing, such as ultrasound or MRI studies, fail to carry those recommendations.
If this occurs to you or someone you know, the gynecologist or radiologist may be legally responsible for causing a delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer, and for allowing the cancer to worsen (in Staging), grow (in tumor size), spread to lymph nodes or other body parts (aka metastasize). Delayed diagnosis can change the course of a woman’s treatment options from one who may have had a lumpectomy with radiation into one who now needs a mastectomy with radiation and chemotherapy.
HGSK’s Medical Malpractice attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and required resources to help you determine if you have been a victim of medical malpractice relating to a delayed diagnosis of breast cancer. Medical providers who offer services in the area of women’s health issues, including breast cancer, must lead the way in assisting women with early detection. When they fail to do so, the legal system provides a remedy that allows us to help you bring errors to their attention, seek justice, and demand more diligent health care for women’s needs. HGSK is dedicated to this process. We are committed to raising Breast Cancer Awareness, not only in women but also in their healthcare providers.
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