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Commission on Judicial Selection & Retention Chair Thanks 2015 Commission

Posted By Haggerty, Goldberg, Schleifer & Kupersmith, P.C.

The Commission on Judicial Selection and Retention of the Philadelphia Bar Association biennially evaluates judicial candidates in a concerted effort to inform voters on those running for judicial office. The evaluation of the Commission are based on a number of factors, including integrity, commitment to the improvement of the quality of justice, and legal ability.

To quote Chancellor Albert S. Dandridge III, “I call this Commission James Brown, because they are the hardest working group I have ever seen.” So far during the judicial election cycle of 2015, the Commission interviewed and rated 57 primary candidates while meeting once a week from Jan, 11 until May 1. However, the Commission has not yet completed its work. It is in the process of evaluating and rating 24 current sitting judges on the Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court of Philadelphia who are seeking retention.

“As chair of the Commission, I cannot completely express my gratitude and admiration to my fellow members, as well as the staff of the Philadelphia Bar Association, who have worked so hard to make this process a success,” said A. Harold Datz, chair, 2015 Commission on Judicial Selection and Retention.