Settlement for a woman who sustained life-altering injuries after being struck by a tractor-trailer.
Settlement for a motor vehicle accident victim in Monroe County.
Settlement on behalf of the Estate of a man neglected in a group home.
Settlement for a man who was seriously injured in a collision with a tractor-trailer.
Settlement for a man who suffered traumatic brain injury from an automobile accident.
Settlement for a motorcycle rider who sustained serious injuries.
Settlement for a victim of a motor vehicle accident in a construction zone.
Settlement for a claim involving a driver who was rear-ended in Union County.
Settlement for a pedestrian struck by an automobile.
Settlement on behalf of a woman injured at a wedding reception in Montgomery County.
Obtained numerous settlements for various Dental Malpractice suits against the same dentist
Settlement for a mother and son involved in an intersectional accident in Bucks County.
Settlement for a husband and wife who were rear-ended in Philadelphia County.
Settlement for a woman who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder from an automobile accident.
Settlement awarded to a middle-aged man involved in a rear-end accident in Lehigh County.
Worker’s Compensation Settlement for an injured warehouse worker after the employer denied the claim.