What is The Worker’s Compensation Claims Process?
If you’ve been injured on the job, you’re covered by workers’ compensation insurance and are entitled to specific benefits. The claims process, however, is exacting, and too many claimants walk away with fewer benefits than they deserve. Working closely with an experienced Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorney can help to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you.
Workers’ Compensation in Philadelphia
There are workers’ compensation laws at both the federal and state levels that help protect employees like you in the event you’re injured on the job. Workers’ comp is designed to accomplish all the following:
- To protect the rights of employees
- To ensure that employers uphold their responsibilities to their employees
- To streamline the claims process
- To protect employers from the immense cost – in terms of both time and expense – as well as the disruptive nature of personal injury claims
As an employee who was injured on the job, you are entitled to workers’ compensation coverage – regardless of who is at fault. In the process, however, you give up the more comprehensive compensation you could seek in a personal injury case, which you generally can’t file against an employer. For their part, your employer is required to cover you with workers’ compensation insurance, but they don’t face the concerns related to personal injury lawsuits.
The Claims Process
While your workers’ compensation claim will be specific to your unique situation, the steps forward that every claimant is advised to take don’t vary, including:
- Seek the immediate medical attention that you need. The sooner you’re seen by a medical professional, the stronger your claim and the better your health outcome are likely to be.
- Alert your boss or supervisor to the fact that you were injured on the job – which will trip the claims process – as soon as you can.
- Discuss your claim with a practiced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as you’re able to do so.
- Follow your medical team’s instructions carefully – doing so bolsters both your claim and your recovery.
- Refrain from providing the involved insurance company with a statement – they’re very good at twisting claimants’ words into meanings that damage their own claims and, in the process, increase the insurance company’s profits. Communication with the insurance company is best left in the capable hands of your skilled workers’ comp attorney.
- Give social media a rest while your case is pending – for the same reason that’s listed above.
An Experienced Philadelphia Workers’ Compensation Attorney Is Here to Help
If you’ve been injured on the job, the accomplished Philadelphia workers’ compensation attorneys at HGSK Injury Lawyers appreciate the impact your claim will have on your future and are committed to fiercely advocating for the compensation to which you’re entitled and that you need to recover as fully as possible. Our well-respected legal team will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to help, so please reach out and contact us online or call 267-350-6600 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about what we can do for you today.
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